Movie ***+ American Made (2017)
Tom Cruise tour de force story of drug-runner Barry Seal. Entertaining.
Tom Cruise tour de force story of drug-runner Barry Seal. Entertaining.
Disturbing movie of raising children under the radar of Child Protective Services. Well-made, low-budget effort improved by William Defoe and Bria Vinaite as the challenged mother of Moonee.
Fun with franchise characters, notably the Hulk and Thor.
Continuing Ann Leckie story of human and AI minds in multiple host bodies called ancillaries. Weaker than the first book for not establishing fresh characters and plot complications, but enjoyable for the characters already established in the series.
Fine remake, but missing Rutger Howard’s performance and containing some logic gaps that press your willing suspension of disbelief.
Fine Rutger Howard performance. A classic for mood and sets.
Well-made detective thriller, where the fish-out-of-water FBI agent is paired with the wilderness-savvy local hunter to unravel an Indian homicide.
Terrible sequel to the pilot Kingsman movie, with unlikely motivations and events throughout.