Movie ****+ Avengers – Infinity War (2018)
One of the better Marvel releases, nearly up to the level of Doctor Strange and the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Finally, Thanos has a character (not a very nice one, but at least not a cutout villain).
One of the better Marvel releases, nearly up to the level of Doctor Strange and the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Finally, Thanos has a character (not a very nice one, but at least not a cutout villain).
Groundbreaking, fun story with many surprising choices that all seemed to work together to produced something unusually entertaining, like translating the dogs barks, but not the people speaking Japanese.
Well-made sequel, but like most sequels – more of the same.ell-made sequel, but like most sequels – more of the same.
Wonderful origin movie for the Black Panther character where the fictional country of Wakonda is fully realized. Chadwick Boseman was terrific in the lead role.
Wonderful animated and musical excursion to the Land of the Dead to unravel Miguel’s family history.
Batman, Wonder Woman, and friends face off against Steppenwolf parademons to protect three Mother Boxes that can destroy everything. This movie suffers from the tortured plot and many characters needing their scene.
Fun with franchise characters, notably the Hulk and Thor.