Movie ***+ Roma (2018)
Slow slice of life of a centered Mexican maid moving through a chaotic world. Many Oscars for no reason I could agree with.
Slow slice of life of a centered Mexican maid moving through a chaotic world. Many Oscars for no reason I could agree with.
Excellent family entertainment, but short on some plot and character points and a bit long on some actions sequences. Nichole Kidman and Jason Momoa were fun to watch.
Psudeo-documentary of Dick Cheney political career and his role in the Iraq war.
Excellent addition to the Star Wars films. More story and character interest than other performances and history.
Wonderfully complex animated film. Best Animated Feature Film Oscar by a long shot. No one but Miyazaki’s work and a few Pixar and Laika films are the same league.
Plotless sequel with a large CGI budget.
Fascinating sexual history of Queen Anne.
Totally deserving of its Best Picture Oscar and Best Supporting Actor Oscar for Mahershala Ali. Vigo Mortenson had my vote for Best Actor at the time, but I had yet to see Bohemian Rhapsody and Rami Malek’s work.
Superior remake of the 1976 Barbara Streisand and Kris Kristofferson Oscar winner. The new Lady Gaga rendition won best Original Song and the film garnered slew of other nominations.
Wonderful character study of a police officer assigned to 911 call duty who becomes deeply involved in the call of a kidnapping victim.