Movie ****+ Avengers – Infinity War (2018)
One of the better Marvel releases, nearly up to the level of Doctor Strange and the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Finally, Thanos has a character (not a very nice one, but at least not a cutout villain).
One of the better Marvel releases, nearly up to the level of Doctor Strange and the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Finally, Thanos has a character (not a very nice one, but at least not a cutout villain).
Groundbreaking, fun story with many surprising choices that all seemed to work together to produced something unusually entertaining, like translating the dogs barks, but not the people speaking Japanese.
Lisa Cron’s non-fiction writer’s guide on the brain science of hooking readers. Best writing book I’ve read for explaining what reader’s need to keep them hooked.
Complex war story of loyalty and betrayal.
Excellent addition to the Star Wars films. More story and character interest than other recent offerings.
Jason Matthews top-notch spy thriller of Russian and American operatives recruiting each other under the watchful eyes of their KGB and CIA bosses. The damaged Russian ballerina of the title was particularly well drawn as the main protagonist.
Well-made sequel, but like most sequels – more of the same.ell-made sequel, but like most sequels – more of the same.
Good attempted screen adaptation of a great book. Almost pulled it off.
Beautifully filmed version of one of my favorite stories, but sadly the child actors were not the focus for the writers, casting, directing, or editing and the magic that should have been there was missed.
Very good adaptation of the book. I even believed in Jennifer Lawrence as a prima ballerina. Difficult subject matter was handled better than in most such films.